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Support for the Community

  • New spray pad, playground renewal and other exciting renovations at Valour Community Centre (Clifton site). Construction to start Spring 2023. A total investment of over 1.5 million dollars

  • Creation of a summer 2022 local Art Hub  $50,000 grant was provided to local artists The murals were created and displayed at this location. The Murals are transferrable and will be on display then moved around the Daniel McIntyre Ward in definitely.

  • Worked with Old Grace Housing Coop and provided $15,000 for a van to use with Peg City car co-op to provide residents transportation options

“I am happy that we are able to work together to improve an important service supporting families in the Wolseley area. Many residents don’t have a vehicle and either bike, use City transit, or car-share. The van will help provide transportation for larger families or those wanting to make a bigger purchase”

- Cindy Gilroy

  • Funded $50,000 tree lighting project along Sargent Ave and Ellice Ave with the West End Biz.

  • Supported an increase of $750,000 in the city budget towards the prevention of disease to our Urban Canopy in Winnipeg. And supported the joining of the one million tree challenge.

    Over a quarter a million dollars extra for planting trees within the Daniel McIntyre Ward boundary.

  • 50 percent discounted bus pass to assist low income Winnipeggers (Winnpass)

  • First ever Poverty Reduction Strategy was passed. It provides a ten-year framework into the city and its role in poverty reduction.

  • Funded Food for All Program: A Central Park organization that provides food to community members facing poverty every day.

  • One Million Dollar 24/7 Safe Space Grant, which is funding Spence Neighbourhood Association’s West End 24-Hour Safe Space, Ka Ni Kanichihk’s and Velma’s House.

  • $500,000 for additional staff to support the creation a minimum of 100 affordable housing units from the funding under the Rapid Housing initiative, with projects underway, many within the Daniel McIntyre Ward.

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